Telephone Game Phrases For Workplace

Telephone Game Phrases For Workplace

февраля 18 2021

Telephone Game Phrases For Workplace


The Telephone Game is played all around the world.

To play, a group of children sit in a circle. The first child whispers something into the ear of the person next to him. That person in turn whispers the same sentence into the ear of the person next to her and so on around the circle. Once the phrase gets to the last person, that person says it out loud. Then the original person who said it tells what they originally said. The fun in this game lies in seeing how the sentence changes after being whispered from person to person.

It also shows how unreliable word of mouth can be.

According to Wikipedia, along with the name “Chinese Whispers”, “…it is also known under various other names depending on locality, such as Russian scandal,whisper down the lane, broken telephone, operator, grapevine, gossip, don’t drink the milk, secret message, the messenger game, and pass the message among others. In France, it is called téléphone arabe (Arabic telephone) or – more politically correct –téléphone sans fil (wireless telephone). In Malaysia, this game is commonly referred to as telefon rosak, which translates to broken telephone.”

How to Play the Telephone Charades Game: 1. Split everyone into teams of five or more (can have teams of up to 10 people each). Ask each team to stand in a line. Explain the game: You (the moderator) will be showing an action scene to the person at the front of the line, with no words or sounds. Nov 13, 2010  What are some funny phrases to use for the game TELEPHONE DOWN THE LINE? The one where you say a sentence into someones ear, and then they say the same thing to the next person, then they say it to the next person, etc etc. I need a couple of sentences. The “game” continues each day in our workplace. Workplace whispers are all around us. I am not talking about gossip. I am talking about key business discussions and decision-making. A modern workplace is a complex environment with a number of employees involved in projects and regular workflow. The telephone game is a good fun way of making a serious point about the importance of good communication in organizations. But will generally work in 10 minutes with a 5-10 minute debrief. You will need. The phrase at the end usually bears no resemblance to the phrase.

What do you call the Telephone Game in your country?


Photo: Two Girls, Tigray (Ethiopia) by Rod Waddington from Kergunyah, Australia, cc.

Telephone Game Phrases For Workplace People

Telephone is truly a oldie but a goodie. It is one of those games that has stood the test of time. It is so wildly popular still today because of the sheer silliness of the game results. Kids are funny. Sometimes they are fall down, spit your drink out funny. Now take a bunch of wound up, sugared up kids and tell them to quietly repeat a single phrase to their partner only once. What you get is normally hysterical pandemonium. This is a go to game I always keep in my back pocket. It never fails to fill that extra 5-10 minutes you didn’t count on at the end of the party. I started doing this years ago when a craft took 5 minutes instead of 25 to complete. Oh dear! At that time I made up the phrases on the spot, but now I have learned there are a few phrases that work better than others so I come prepared. Here is a list that can be used for any grade to get you started. Use the shorter phrases for the younger ones. You will be shocked at the results. LOL

Free Games For The Workplace

  1. Noisy Ned needs nuggets
  2. Ghostly gum tastes gooey
  3. Scarecrows steal soft sandwiches
  4. Junie B Jones likes Jamba Juice
  5. Dracula drinks dark drool
  6. Ms. ________ makes math mash-ups (fill in your child’s teachers name )
  7. Moody Mummies munch on moldy mothballs
  8. Walking in a Winter Wonderland
  9. Snowflakes will slide softly soon
  10. Leaves like loose piles
  11. Teachers take tons of toadstools
  12. Recess rocks restless roosters
  13. Counting cars quietly
  14. Lightening McQueen likes loaded lunches
  15. Classmates climb cars for cash

Telephone Game Phrases For Workplace

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