Ansible Generate Random String

Ansible Generate Random String

февраля 13 2021

Ansible Generate Random String

  1. Ansible Generate Random String Example
  2. Ansible User Password
  3. Ansible Generate Random String Python
  4. Ansible Generate Random String Php
  5. Ansible Generate Random String In Java

So I need to create an user in a machine so I can then have a script that will log into this machine and backup its database. Which database is that, you might ask? For this discussion it does not matter besides that it is running in a Linux box. But, if you want a more specific example, we could be backing up a sqlite database since we talked about how to do the deed before.

Ansible generate random string in java

Ansible Generate Random String Example

2020-8-7  While writing your automation using Ansible, sometime you require to generate random string. For example, while creating Kubernetes Pods, you want to. You must either add a leading zero so that Ansible's YAML parser knows it is an octal number (like 0644 or 01777) or quote it (like '644' or '1777') so Ansible receives a string and can do its own conversion from string into number.

Ansible User Password

  1. Some random useful things for Ansible users: inventoryhostname ‘inventoryhostname‘ contains the name of the current node being worked on.(as in, what it is defined in your hosts file as) so if you want to skip a task for a single node –.
  2. Jul 08, 2020 Generate a random string of a fixed length. Generate a random string with a combination of lower and upper case letters. Create a unique random string without repeating characters in it; Generate a random alphanumeric string with letters and numbers. Generate a random string password which contains the letters, digits, and special characters.
  3. My intention is to generate a list containing numbers from 1 to 22 and for that I wrote below Ansible script. hosts: localhost gatherfacts: no tasks: - name: Generate sequance set.

Anyway, the plan is to have the script ssh into the database server and grab the backup. Since we are using ssh in the script, we might as well use key pair authentication. Now I have learned that by default if you create a user and do not assign it a password, you will not be able to login as said user using key pair authentication. You can turn that off but I would rather not. Instead, since I am creating said user programmatically, I can give it a long random password.

Now that we have a plan, let's see how to do it in an ansible playbook. I will present only the relevant bits since I do not know how you do your playbooks. So, we could create a user using something like

which would create user user_name who will also belong to the groups defined in user_groups, where user_name and user_groups are variables defined somewhere earlier in the show. And this would create a user without a password, which would do us no good. Nor would us make the playbook stop and ask us to enter a password. We said earlier we are going to create a random password, so let's see if we can make something random enough for our needs.

Ansible Generate Random String

I plan on generating this random password in the machine we are running ansible on, not the target machine. One of the reasons is that I want to use the Linux command mkpassword to create the password hash (note it is being called using the shell command. So, I will use a local_action to do the deed. For instance, let's say I want the password to be pickles and encoded using SHA-512 hash (mild encryption). I could accomplish it by writing

Ansible Generate Random String Python

This would create a hash, say

and assign it to the variable user_pw. This of course has to be done before the user is created. To use it with our new user, we can then modify our little user creation function to something like this:

In the last line we are feeding the value of user_pw, user_pw.stdout, to password. But why can't I just feed user_pw? Here's an exercise to you: tell your playbook just print user_pw. Doesn't it look very object-like?

If you run your playbook and all went well, go to the target machine and check if there is a password associated with the user in /etc/shadow. If the user was already created, you will need to delete user and let ansible recreate it.

Ansible Generate Random String Php

So we have so far created a way to create a password hash and then create a new user with that password. The last step we need is to make the password random. Here is what I am proposing: how about if we use date since epoch in seconds as our password and then mangle it a bit? Here is a simple mangling example:

Which gives b8a49ccaa4721877cf39e510c7ac3622 as the output, which should be long enough to fulfill our needs. Of course if you run it again, it will spit out a different result, which is what we want? Perfectly random? Not by a long shot, but it is long enough for our needs. Remember: there is nothing saying you have to use the above. Hav efun creating your own function!

So, let's apply that to our little password generating function:

Ansible Generate Random String In Java

And we should be good to go. Here is how the final version should look like in a playbook:

Now we have an user, we can then create the ssh key pair we talked about in an earlier article. Of course we might edit the ./ssh/authorized_keys file to restrict what that key can do.

Ansible Generate Random String

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