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февраля 19 2021

Mac Qqqq For Mac

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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds stats overview for QQQQ- player. Solo, Duo, and Squad data with FPP and TPP are projected as tiers. Rating history graph and match timelines are available. Apr 03, 2009  Philly on Ritz Crackers and Mac and Cheese and Oreos and Kool-Aid all around! (But I know that I could never be a day-trader. I am just not all that adventurous. If I would have stayed longer I could have made 80%. I am holding QQQQ. I plan on buying more a little at a time and staying for the long haul. My big profit maker has been DXO. Sep 19, 2011  Mac mini Mac Pro MacBook Air MacBook Pro macOS 11 Big Sur macOS Catalina tvOS 13 tvOS 14 watchOS 6 watchOS 7 WWDC 2020 Guides. Buyer's Guide. Home New Posts Forum List Trending New Threads Spy. Jul 20, 2010  In fact, according to stock analysis at Trefis, Mac computers and iTunes make up less than 20% of their price target for AAPL. QQQQ, which charges an expense ratio of 0.2%, is up almost 20%.

With FileWave 13.2 support for Apple's Bootstrap Token management has been added.


macOS 10.15 Catalina introduces a new method of SecureToken enablement called Bootstrap Token. This is a new MDM-based management feature to automatically provide a SecureToken on all mobile account logins. This does not affect how local accounts get SecureTokens.

What is SecureToken?

Apple introduced Secure Token as a method of creating a “chain of trust” on a machine. The result was that only a trusted user could be created from another trusted user, and only those trusted users could leverage FileVault. This ensured that - from Apple’s perspective - the machine and users on it are secure.

For many Mac admins, the Secure Token feature introduced with macOS High Sierra has been a cause for great consternation. It has forced IT teams to adjust their management workflows to be able to administer and manage devices differently, given that Secure Tokens are critical in order to safely create Mac users and manage their FileVault full disk encryption (FDE) credentials.

Why the Consternation with SecureToken?

The challenge presented by the introduction of Secure Token was that the chain of trust ultimately made user and FileVault management much more challenging. An organization’s mobile and network accounts with Apple devices did not have the ability to create users that would be granted Secure Tokens.

Only the original user on the machine was granted a Secure Token and only that account could go on to create subsequent users that would properly be granted a Secure Token. This overhead severely impacted the ability of Mac admins to remotely manage their fleet of Mac systems.

What is the Benefit of Bootstrap Token?

Catalina can give the first mobile account to log in a SecureToken if no other accounts have a SecureToken yet, but the benefit of Bootstrap Token comes when multiple users log into an encrypted machine. All mobile accounts that log in automatically get a SecureToken without having to hand one off manually.

What happens Under the Hood?

If support of Bootstrap Token management is implemented on the MDM server side, during device enrollment command Settings / MDMOptions with flag AllowBootstrapToken = True should be sent to the device. In this case the device will send SetBootstrapToken and GetBootstrapToken requests to MDM server later at the appropriate time.

To check current status see 'checking status' below

There are two main communications for SecureToken: SetBootStrapToken and GetBootstrapToken.

SetBootstrapToken request

When the first admin account is created (see Figure 1.1), MDM request SetBootstrapToken (requires DEP enrolled client) is sent from the device to the FileWave MDM server. The MDM server handles this request by storing the Bootstrap Token for the device in the appropriate place (FileWave encrypts and stores this in the inventory database).

Figure 1.1


There is one limitation - If you automatically create an admin during enrollment, SetBootstrapToken request will not be send.

Figure 1.2 - Not Suppressed (Token sent)

This is Default DEP

Figure 1.3 - Suppressed (Token will not be sent)

Setup assistant user is standard

Figure 1.4 - Suppressed (Token will not be sent)

No user during setup assistant

Trigger Escrow

Escrowing of Bootstrap Token to server can be called with:

If SetBootstrapToken request was properly sent to your MDM server, the output will be

If you got this error after the initial command:

The FileWave server may not be able to handle the request; make sure it is running 13.2 or greater

GetBootstrapToken request

When new mobile account is created (manually or automatically, see 'Examples' section) MDM request GetBootstrapToken (requires DEP enrolled client) is sent from the device to MDM server (it requires a Device Enrollment Program enrolled client). MDM server should handle this request properly - return stored Bootstrap Token of appropriate device. As a result, when a mobile account logs in a SecureToken will be enabled on the account. A list of which accounts can unlock the FileVaulted disk can be shown by next command:

There you can see the UUID of the mobile account as well as the Bootstrap Token External Key:

Compare that list with

to show the same UUIDs of the accounts that have SecureTokens:

Check Escrow/Server Status

To check if Bootstrap Token was escrowed to server same command as above can be used:

Server SupportedServer Does not support

Not EscrowedEscrowed Done

If the Bootstrap Token was not escrowed on server (SetBootstrapToken request was not send to MDM server or was not handled by MDM server properly), the output will be:

You can manually trigger (see 'Trigger Escrow')

If the Bootstrap Token is already on the server the output will be:

Examples when Bootstrap Token helps

Example 1 - mobile account is created manually by an admin which doesn't have Secure Token


In macOS 10.15+ with FileVault is turned on, a network account login without Secure Token escrowed will be prompted for an admin who does have a secure token.

Figure 2.1


With the token escrowed, there is no need to enter a SecureToken administrator's name and password anymore - 'Bypass' can be safely pressed and the new mobile account will be shown at startup window after device reboot.

Mac Qqqq For Mac 2017

To disable SecureToken for an admin use

To check is secure token enabled or not use

Example 2 - mobile account is created automatically when profile Mobility is used

With macOS 10.15 and FileVault is turned on, profile Mobility was installed on the device with option 'Create mobile account when user logs in to network account'.

Figure 2.2

After network account log in, mobile account is created automatically (as 'Bypass' button from dialog 'Enter a SecureToken ...' was pressed implicitly). New mobile account will be shown at startup window after device reboot.

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In comparison: when same actions are done on macOS 10.14, there is one additional dialog (see figure 2.1) to enter a SecureToken administrator's name and password during auto-creation of mobile user. If 'Bypass' will be pressed, new mobile account will not be shown at startup window after device reboot, FileVault should be enabled manually for each new mobile account.


If FileVault is already encrypted, the new mobile account(s) will be added to the preboot unlock user list automatically. No need to update preboot and do other additional work like past OSes.

Apple Inc. (AAPL) @ $155 falls -10% after hours to $137 on earnings, my reasoning on AAPL

Apple Inc. (AAPL) earnings disappointment was pretty predictable with all these other big tech players falling also after good earnings. I don’t like to say “I told you so”, but this stock has been ready to fall hard. From the beginning of the year 2008 this stock has just trembled at every market moving news. Since it did not move UP into its big deal Mac Expo and analyst were boo-hooing the new products that should of made ANY Apple investor worried. Other Apple speculators are saying, “I’m buying AAPL on sell off” well I think they are very wrong on that decision. When a stock has fallen, then falls harder, you are going to buy it on the rush of a sell of? Are you crazy? For a prized stock that is falling there is good reason not to be buying.

This sums it up quoted in an associated press article:

“Apple’s guidance has historically been conservative, but such a divergence from Wall Street’s estimate rattled investors already skittish about the economy.”

“Tuesday’s stock plunge was likely worsened, Snorek said, by the exodus of a large number of investors who had hoped Apple’s stock would be a refuge from the economic pressures hurting the overall stock market.” – Jordan Robertson, AP Technology Writer

One good point is that Apple Inc. guidance is ALWAYS “conservative” so since they told investors their outlook would show some slower growth (duh!!! look at whats going on with other consumer growth stocks and their partner AT&T (T)) no wonder why AAPL dropped after earnings (just like the stock does many times over). Now will AAPL’s stock fall more? I’m sure of it. Will it continue on big charts to move up with hot products? Most definitely. This is a short-term hard down move, but likely to continue so if I was you or myself I wouldn’t be in a buying position of Apple Inc. anytime soon until the economy shows some recovery and Tech stocks show a real correction and real buying from bigger institutions. AT&T reported consumers slowed on buying bigger plans and defaulted on normal ones. Hello! This just proves that slow growth should happen on the iPhone since consumers can already not affoard their normal cellular plans.

Look at Hansen Foods (HANS) stocks has been falling with its major Monster Energy Drink brans, especially big in the X-Games, has been falling hard even with a peg of 1.06. This stock still has a bright growth future, but now are teenagers buying less $2 energy drinks? (or is it really the parents lower on cash so don’t buy the more expensive brand drinks?)

Oil prices at the pump haven’t changed much. I think most automobile consumersr are getting used to $3 gasoline prices which are liked to get a boost again with increasing oil prices that shouldn’t slow down anytime soon which will keep boosting profits for stocks like Southwestern Energy (SWN @ 51) and Ocean Outriggers (RIG @ $124).

I think solar stocks like First Solar (FSLR) and HOKU Scientific (HOKU @ $9.20) are likely to fall until a new President is in place and makes a real energy plan to keep boosting production and make solar “special” again. If you have been reading the reports 2009 will be a HUGE year for solar companies just because by then their new production plants will be made and producing tons of polycillicon very wanted in the industry going up in price making these small solar companies worth and valued you more in stock price (then they currently are).

But back to Apple Inc. I like the new laptop Air, I might even buy me one because they are the first to use flash memory for the harddrive. If you aren’t a computer nerd this means faster processing times, less harddrive crashes, and more efficient system. This could be a huge seller. Who cares that it is thin. It uses a flash harddrive and of course very sleek and hot looking. I don’t know how far Apple Inc. will drop, but I’m think below $100 (which would create a peg of 1.00). Where do I think it will be by November 2008 earnings? Hmm. Depends if these rate cuts do the trick and creates more money so people keep buying gadgets. If Apple continues to take more market share there is no reason its stock won’t stop charging pass $200 again. I think realistically Apple might do a 2:1 stocksplit since they just lost $40 billion in share holder value, maybe a split at $100, might get people think to buy it at $50 is cheap (even though its the same price/value). I like Apple. It really trys to innovate and create “new” and that is a company anyone wants to own. I should note the downgrade it got today just throws “warning signs” for future downtrend. Downgrade on Apple? Are you crazy analyst, well not so crazy at least for now…

Quote cited from:
Yahoo! Finance Associated Press Article on Apple Earnings

Apple Mac Expo 2008 -> No surprise = disappointment

AAPL @ $169 as you can see everything shown at the Apple Mac expo 2008 wasn’t much of a surprise. As I noted earlier analyst were being very negative on this expo which made me think Apple was likely and predictably going to fall. Down -11pts is nothing what I expected from a company that sold a spectacular 4 million iPhones in 6 months, gains 8% of computer market, and comes out with a new sleek innovative products, nonetheless this is why investors are saying it is a recessing bear market.

My AAPL JAN 220 Calls are worth $.01 so even the $.04 play didn’t work out, wow.
This is why any novice trader tells you to practice trade before doing real trades. I actually do many practice trades. I don’t know what I’m missing from this big equation. I keep losing. I make a good profit, then I lose twice to three times as much as I win. Why? I really think I justify why I get into trades, but then why with conviction I keep losing more then gaining? I’m starting to come to the moron conclusion that options are very risky. If I would of bought Apple stock at $200 I still would have lost as much as I have even though my loss is limited at $4000 going into the option trade.

Mac Qqqq For Mac Free

I wish, wish, I had someone to really guide me and teach me, discipline me as a student. I need regulation in my trading to get better. I feel I am just gambling my money away because I haven’t gotten anywhere. Every year I start with between $1000-10000 and I end up losing it all. If I would just buy an index fund or large cap stock I probably wouldn’t have losses near as bad but I wouldn’t have any incredible gains to boost my networth either. I’m not greedy I just want to reach my goals. My goals are hard so I expect cumbersome account to build to what I want.

Last year I said theres always next years mac expo. Here I am still empty handed. shit.

(AAPL) Apple Mac Expo 2008 – patient vs. eager

Okay so again I really fucked myself over. I bought my AAPL Jan 220 Calls entirely too early (@ $190 and apple currently @ $178). I suppose I was more “eager” to get in on a low price on apple and again buy options “cheap” then wait for better timing. I’m starting to understand that technicals mean little if you are eager to buy a stock and mean more when you are patient and the timing is right.

For instance my options I paid $.90 for now are worth a mill $.04 you are talking a mega percentage loss. Again, if I was patient and waited to buy my options the day before the Apple mac expo and picked them up at $.04 I could of bought probably 1000 more contracts for the price of 40 contracts (or roughly a $4000 trade) and my profits/loss would of turned out completely different.

Mac Qqqq For Mac Os

I’m already factoring in I will lose my entire $4000. If something wild happens for some reason and the price goes to $200 by earnings I might get lucky and make just it back.
But if I was patient and waited and bought 1000 contracts at $.04 ($4000) realistically with ANY positive news at the expo and realistic very positive earnings I could of easily walked away in 3 days with a realistic 500-1000% profit or $20-50k profit if the stock moves to $200 or even $190. So again lesson learned. I wonder which year will my magic formulas start working or should I say I actually trade more smart, more patiently.

I can do this. I KNOW I can. I’m not smarter then anyone else or have an more insightful knowledge then anyone else, but I feel deep down inside convinced I can master this trading and make a living out of it if I can just discipline and keep patient all the time before making a decision to execute a trade.

Mac Qqqq For Mac 2016

I can always save up another $4000 g’s to trade next years Apple Mac Expo, but how long will Apple’s winning streak and big boy competition style go on for? I definitely AGREE that with the information age the digital industry is totally taking over entertainment and the home meaning digital movies, TV’s, and computers getting more robotic and innovative.

Recently I finished Alan Greenspans book and it ended basically saying that the baby boomers will bust the market just like so many other books like Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Prophecy and Boomernomics which I’m reading right now. Although the book was published it is very accurate on baby boomers and the information age become ultra successful. The only thing is is 100% wrong about is the housing market falling and prices never increasing. What baloney. It shows a major trend line from 1900’s to 1998 with a steady increase and then suddenly in 1999 to 2050 it falls straight down 30%? That makes no sense. You know the “trend is my friend” what were these economists thinking? The trend will just break and never move up again? One economists in the book they ruled out by himself believed there would be continual home price increases in another future bubble (wah-lah currently). I still think real estate is a good long-term investment. Home prices do go up even with big downs they have proved to build equity and create financial freedom for landlords and retirement equity money to sell off. I currently have $60,000 equity in my home it may come down some for a few years but I plan for my home to be worth 2-3x it is currently creating a nice seperate nest egg for me to sell later on and in the meanwhile have the mortgage being paid by rent.

Mac Qqqq For Mac Pro

well good luck and good trading for todays Apple Mac expo 2008.

Mac Qqqq For Mac

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