My Words Friends Games Keep Disappearing

My Words Friends Games Keep Disappearing

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My Words Friends Games Keep Disappearing

Published 6:32 AM EDT Jun 6, 2015
  1. I actually was very worried because my wife is always playing it, but i sneaked a look many times at her games, and she really IS playing words with friends, i.e. Mostly family members. Reactions: nice777guy.
  2. All of my coins disappeared days ago, I had about 1400. Find answers for Words With Friends 2 - Word Game on

A very simple description on how to delete finished games on the popular mobile game Words With Friends.

USA TODAY columnist Steven Petrow offers advice about digital etiquette.

Q: I love playing Words with Friends and have been doing so for several years now. I play with old friends as well as strangers, sometimes becoming friends with the strangers. But in the past week I think one of my 'friends' is cheating — she's using words I've never seen her use before and all her scores are suddenly much higher. Do I accuse her of cheating? Or just stop playing with her? Should I warn others?

— Anonymous


Friends Trivia

A: I've always tried to live by the aphorism, 'Cheaters only cheat themselves,' but sometimes it's not so easy — even for me — to be quite so philosophical. I've played my share of Words With Friends, too, and like Scrabble I love the competition and the challenge. Sure, I prefer to win — but it's really about playing the game, right?

I did a little digging in response to your question and, frankly, was surprised to see how many apps exist to help Words With Friends players cheat (123 came back on a quick iPhone search). Among them: Word Cheats ('#1 cheap app of all time!'), Auto Words with Friends Cheat ('Impress all your friends with the great words you can come up with!'), and Words with Friends Cheat ('The quickest Words with Friends cheat on the net!'). Unfortunately, I could go on. And on.

Even worse, some apps help cheaters cover up their ill-gained scores. For instance, allows you to choose your level, from junior high on up to world champion, so the tool serves up words your competition won't suspect were fed to you. I couldn't get away with choosing 'World Champion,' since no one would believe I'd come up with those words. But my very honest friend Amy could (not that she'd need to). She also told me: 'It's so dumb to cheat on a game like this. What's the fun in that? My friends and I applaud one another's great moves. That's motivating. Cheating is the antithesis of that.'

What to do? If you're playing with a stranger, I'd suggest finishing off the game and refusing any offers for a rematch. If your competitor is someone known to you, don't rush to judgment — but definitely keep in mind this paraphrasing of Gertrude Stein: 'A cheater is a cheater is a cheater.' In other words, beg off in the future.

As for a direct, 'J'accuse,' that's hard to do without actual proof, which you probably don't have. If enough people stop playing with your friend, either she'll get the message or she'll think she's bested all of you and won. To that I say, a big fat 'whatever.'

Perhaps some young geek will take my friend Amy's advice: Invent an app that could detect a cheating app. I'd offer a reward for that.

Agree or disagree with my advice? Let me know in the comment section.

Submit your question to Steven at You can also follow Steven on Twitter: @StevenPetrow. Or like him on Facebook at

Published 6:32 AM EDT Jun 6, 2015

In an age of mediocrity, mischief, and mistrust, our tendency, rightly or wrongly, is to assume that anyone breaking away from the pack (whether busting the bell curve, making too much money, or scoring incredibly high in WWF) must surely be cheating.

Tv Show Friends Games

After getting my third post on this site from someone condemning or accusing players who posted impressive boards, I decided to see what a regulated Scrabble tournament board looks like. Here is the winning board from the UK Scrabble Championship in 2009.

Now, to the skeptics out there, I issue you this challenge of intellectual honesty: If you were to see these words in a Words With Friends game, would you forthrightly accuse your opponent of cheating?

Analysis of exotic words provided by The Daily Mall here. Keep in mind that Scrabble championships are carried out with strict rules and oversight.


I cannot prove whether or not a WWF player is using outside help. But it falls well within the realm of possibility that in a community of now 3,000+ registered competitors (although, not all playing this month), we are bound to attract a number of players capable of producing a good batch of alien words in a single game. Moreover, the WWF guess and play option means it’s even easier to find these words.

Friends Show Games

Better, I think, to leave unstated any suspicion in the absence of incontrovertible evidence of cheating.

My Words Friends Games Keep Disappearing

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