Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf

февраля 20 2021

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf
  1. Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf People
  2. Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf Puzzle Quest
  3. Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf Cat

Apr 30, 2007  This is the solution for the Dark Dwarf Capture Puzzle. Sorry for the horrible quality, but I did this with a junk digital camera. Puzzle Quest 2. Παγκόσμια επιτεύγματα. The Dark Elves Escape the Dark Dwarven Laboratory. Epic Fail Lose to an opponent who's on 1 Life Point during any single player game mode. You Only Live Thrice Kill an undead monster, then kill it again and again after it reanimates.

Defeating Lord Bane in 'Puzzle Quest'


Puzzle Quest is a very good game in which you build a character up, by basically playing many games of a 'Bejeweled' variant, until finally at the end you fight the Ultimate Bad Guy (UBG), a 'Lord Bane'. This is a very tough battle! I've done it once as each class: a knight, a wizard, a warrior. and as a druid. I hope this page can help you through this fight.

Overall analysis

  • Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords is a unique combination of classic RPG elements and fun puzzle mechanics. Genres: Action, Puzzle Suggestive Themes, Suggestive themes.
  • Puzzle Quest Captures Captures Video. Monster Capture Walkthroughs ARBORETH (Aegisofer) Move the left skull all way to the right to complete the skull set Guess what? Do the same with the lone purple on the right, but towards the left (D´oh). DARK DWARF (Steven the Bug).

Bane has 4 spells - one that kills all red gems, one that kills all green, one that kills all blue, and one that kills all yellow. The (large) mana intake he gets from this isn't so much the problem - the problem is that by shaking the board so violently so often, he tends to get many 'runs' of turn after turn after turn, as lots of 4-gem and 5-gem matches tend to show up after he casts a spell. To make this even worse, the spells that do this are very cheap, so he can make these runs very often - I found that mana-draining spells to prevent this didn't work, especially as he has a magic resistance of around 20%.

Winning as a knight

While you can't keep Bane from making as many 'runs', you can at least keep him from moving at all, by use of the 'Stun' spell. However Bane has a magic resistance between 20 and 25%, and so you need to get lucky. But this won't do it alone. You need to pump up your offense and your defense:

Defense. Lord Bane is going to be casting spells like crazy, as his spells shake up the board, giving him lots of extra mana combinations. You can't really reduce how much mana he gets, however you can slow down his spell-casting significantly, by equipping items that raise your mana resistance every time he casts a spell - these are much better than items that give a one-time boost, as he casts lots of spells. For me, these items were:

  • Ogreblood helm -- +2% to red resistance every time opponent casts a spell
  • Armor of Minogoth -- +15% to green resistance. Best I could do.
  • Trollblood staff -- +2% to blue resistance every time opponent casts a spell
  • not the Wyrmblood stone --- +2% to yellow resistance every time opponent casts a spell
  • After some experimentation, I found that while this ring is good, it's not as useful to you as....
  • Ultimate Troll Ring -- adds +3 to life points if you have >= 12 mana. This is really the best item in the game. While Lord Bane is typically dealing out so much damage so quickly that this ring doesn't do much, as your resistance climbs he will cast fewer and fewer spells - in fact, there seems to be something in the AI such that once your resistance hits about 30% he basically stops. This slows the combat way down, to a normal length, and lets you quietly rebuild, every turn. Even better, it isn't a 'spell' (it's an item), so it can't be resisted.

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf People

Offense. The above goes a long way, but I found I was still getting waxed. You still need some ways to generate damage. I found a judicious combo of the below worked well:
  • star power. Banes spells all destroy colored gems, which means that they have no effect on stars. Spells such as 'promotion' (turn something into stars) and 'knight lord' (double number of stars) work quite well, as they both give you free turns (don't do them until they pay off, especially as there is about a 1/5 chance they will be resisted), and reduce the power of banes spells.
  • Stun. Stun, stun, stun. This both makes him lose a turn, and does some damage.
  • Pre-emptive strikes. If you use the items I mention above, you will become very hard for him to hit with blue and red spells, but you will have a big hole in yellow, and also be weak in green. For this reason, whenever possible, match yellow (1st priority) or green (2nd priority) gems - this reduces his power.
  • Beserk Rage, Stone Gaze. These are very powerful spells (one turns reds into skulls, the other turns green into skulls), however you have to use them very judiciously, as you lose their mana whether they are resisted or not. Stone Gaze is particularly good, as it gets greens off the board, reducing your vulnerability there. My rule of thumb is to cast these spells whenever it would make at least one 4-chain.

Winning as a wizard

I tried a number of strategies as Wizard (draining his mana, trying to prevent skull creation, focusing on offense, etc.), and got waxed many times, until I found a strategy that let me win with only 3 spells! The key is the wonderful spell Fire Bomb, which you learn from dark dwarves. This fairly cheap spell does 5 damage to Bane for 10 turns, so long as his red mana is above 15. This means a lot of damage (50 points!) for very little cost, as his red mana is almost always well above 15. By casting 7 or so of these guys (and its so cheap that it's not that big a deal if it's resisted) , and letting them work (you can only have 4 at a time), that's all the offense you will need! The key is just to stay alive while your fire bombs do their stuff. I found that Fire Wall, with the odd use of Cauterize did the trick, especially if you are equipped as below - the idea is that your equipment will help you gather red mana (for your fire wall), while giving you enough magic resistance to hold on.

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf

Your equipment is therefore:

  • Elemental Gem -- +2 mana per turn to each reserve, for each reserve that is full. This is key - try to max out your green and blue reserves early, and then leave them - never cast a green or blue spell. In fact, in hindsight, I would have made my water (blue) skill much lower so it maxes out early.
  • Armor of Minogoth -- +15% to green resistance. Best I could do.
  • Trollblood staff -- +2% to blue resistance every time opponent casts a spell
  • Eye of Fire - an item I made, which gives +5 mana to each reserve whenever the opponent casts a spell, and also +2 red mana at start of game. Since Bane is casting spells like crazy, this can help a lot.

Winning as a warrior

Warrior may actually be higher-powered than Knight or Wizard, as I won with my Warrior only being level 47. I used the same equipment as the knight, and with only two spells - Fire Bomb - see above for a discussion of this marvelous spell, and Throw Axe - man, that's a great spell. You'll get hit fairly hard, but I had something like 195 hit points, which was plenty - I think I had 90 left when Bane died.

Winning as a Druid

I found the druid to be the toughest class to beat Bane with, even though this was my 4th class and I was the most experienced. Part of the issue is that your higher-level Druid spells are nearly valueless, and especially worthless against Bane.

I wound up doing it with this equipment:

  • Ogreblood helm -- as with other classes.
  • Armor of Minogoth -- as with other classes.
  • Erik's bow - it deals a lot of damage, which is what you're weakest at as a druid. It does leave a 'hole' in blue resistance compared to the trollblood staff, but you're usually sucking up all the blue you can find anyway, so Bane doesn't use much of it against you.
  • Ultimate Troll Ring - that's one fine item.

I relied on Erik's bow to do most of the damage, and on the magical resistances and the troll ring to defend with, and used the following spells:

  • Sanctuary - this nearly worthless L10 spell (adds +5 resistance to a random mana type) is reasonably useful against Bane, as it lets you pump up that all-important resistance. I only cast it about 3-4 times, though
  • Whirlwind - this kills all Yellow gems. This is useful, as Yellow is your big achilles heel - by casting Whirlwind when there gets to be much yellow on the board, you deny it to Bane. I only cast it twice I think, but I think it made a big difference.
  • Swallow whole - this is the spell you get for free when your mount is the sand worm. It's expensive (30 green, and 8? of the other colors), but it does damage equal to enemy's green mana. As a druid, you can get lots of green mana, and Bane usually has 50+, so this can be well worth it - I hit him with it twice, boom 100 points gone.

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf Puzzle Quest

I think the real key is using 'Erik's bow' and relying on your other equipment to see you through, the spells seemed less important for a Druid than they were for the other classes.

A note on 'Death Gaze'

I'd read other tips which said that 'Death Gaze' worked well against Bane - this costs 45 Green Mana and 24? Red, and kills half his hit points. However, I found it did more harm than good, as the spell also creates a lot of skulls - the more damage you did, the more it creates (1 skull per 10 damage, if I recall correctly). This tends to leave the board littered with skulls, which Bane wll gleefully inflict on you - it can hurt you nearly as much as it hurt him. Also uses a ton of mana, so you lose a lot if its resisted

The Bottom Line

There's a lot of luck involved no matter what you do, as he resists about 20% of your spells, while you will resist about 20% of his (much less at the start, more at the end). Good luck!


Hope you found this page useful, if you have any comments please drop me a line at couscouscrabcakes.com

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf Cat

Puzzle Quest Capture Dark Dwarf

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